NPPA Code of Ethics 1) In the code of ethics item #3 was the most compelling to me: "Be complete and provide context when photographing or recording subjects. Avoid stereotyping individuals and groups. Recognize and work to avoid presenting one's own biases in the work." This stands out to me, because I'm a firm believer in letting things be. Not altering or changing to add your own opinion when it's not needed. This relates strongly with photographs; the goal is to capture a setting, not change one. 2) Under ideally journalists should #5 stands out to me, it presents, "strive to be unobtrusive and humble in dealing with subjects." This is important, because as a photographer you don't want to disrespect or or disrupted the lives of the person you're capturing. In such cases, you won't get the photograph you're needing and won't get good paying jobs. 3) I would apply this rule by not adapting or changing my photos to portray anythi...